I realized I omitted the most remarkable story while re-reading my previous post! Unfortunately for our baker J, his mistakes did not stop when he headed to the first location to learn how to make coffee.
Let’s go back through the time just a bit. I am sure you remember J was following his boss’ imaginary order (He thought the boss told him to bake 50 Bulgogi Bakes) and somehow convinced others to join. He realized he was wrong only when the boss finally contacted him directly.

After the embarrassing call with his boss ended, J began to act rapidly for a change. He told his co-workers, including the poor project manager who had been making 23 Bulgogi Bakes for no actual reason, that he would leave the second location and head to the first location. He said he would return after his jobs were done in Fairview, so they could leave whatever was left to him. Well… that did not turn out well.
When he came to the first location to learn how to make coffee from me, I was never informed (as usual) by J what his plan was. Hence, I thought that he finished what he had been doing in the second location (or at least left the work to the appropriate person) and that J would be going home directly from the first location after he was done closing. Well, I was wrong.
After he was done learning how to make coffee in the first location, I left the cafe first and headed home. J closed the store and returned to the second location around 2 AM. I want to remind you that he told his co-workers to leave the job for him. When he returned to the second location, he saw 23 unbaked Bulgogi Bakes on the workstation. Because they were left unattended (as per J’s request), they were over-proofed and became ugly, just like the situation.

Eventually, there were 23 ugly, over-proofed and thus unsellable Bulgogi Bakes. Besides, they were technically not even the Beef Bulgogi Bakes because J used pork instead. What did we have to do with these?
In conclusion, we gave the ugly Bulgogi Bakes as samples to the customers, telling them that what we were actually planning to sell was much better (as you now see!). There are still some pieces left in the freezer, slumbering until another day they may see the light…
And do you think this is the end of the story with J’s troubles with our Bulgogi Bake project? Just wait.