For My Butter Boys: Wicked Cafe New Menu!

Buttercream Cake

In the sweet neighborhoods of my home land~ Here at Wicked, we have finally launched an even sweeter thing than you or I~


This sweet treat took our bakers time and research to developed what is now a beloved and popular new addition to our Menu.

so let me break down the creative development of this treat!!!

of cause lets start with its inspiration, the classic and world wide known cupcake! you may have not known this but the origins of the cupcake is the United States of America!!!

when rethinking this dessert our amazing baker came up with the idea of instead of making the small cake in a cup-to instead make the cake to be the cup!!!! this way we can fill the new Wicked vanilla cake, with the most luxurious buttercream and a layer of homemade syrup that gives you that wow moist flavor ~

one more fantastic idea was to draw more inspiration from the most common cupcake recipes. and that is the fact that most use muffin batter of sometimes pancake mix for there cupcakes to make it cheaper and easier. BUT WICKED has taken a different step and for our innovative creation we have developed a pound cake batter from scratch!

this batter makes the cake keep its crispy texture outside, soft inside, and gives it a rich flavor of its own~

We have Peach, Strawberry, Chocolate Strawberry and Now our newest and most popular butter cake Caramel Buttercream Cake!!!

one of the most note worthy things about this new menu is~ how very photogenic it really is!!!

All Buttercream Cakes are available on Ubereats! 👍👍👍

or you may pay us a visit at Wicked Cafe & Bakery