Juu’s Journal Entry # 22
Hi, and welcome back to another entry!
Today I’m gonna share with you one of my favorite birthday gifts that I got from my 21st birthday.
It’s so crazy to actually believe that I’m now 21 years old. I’ve both lived so many years but basically none at all all at the same🤣🤣🤣🍪I still have so much to learn and experience. But honestly in my day to day life.
I’m pretty scared. I feel totally anxious and all I want to do is grow up faster and be smarter.
Anyways, let’s get back to the main point of today’s journal entry!!! ☕️My amazing gift from the most important person in my life!!!
😆🎉 I got Laptop Cooling Pad!!! It’s sooo cool and so convenient!
Function Descriptions:
2 USB Ports (USB1,USB2), 2 Anti-slip Baffles,5 Stand Levels, and 1 Phone Stand,
This will be my second time using it on a post and I really love the elevation it gives me. The blue light is really cool!!! And the fans are sooooo quite ~
This gift was so thoughtful because I am trying to use my laptop more to improve myself so later on I can attend school 🥹
Big thank you to my best friend Doh for sending this to me all the way from Korea ♡ you are the most important person in my life ♡
Tomorrow I plan to share more of what I got for my birthday so stay if you want to read that or if you like you see more check out my New YouTube channel!!!
Juu Vancouver
🥰♡♡♡ have a good day!!!