Juu’s Journal day 4: Donas arrives and Wicked Croque Kouign amann ~

dear diary, it’s day 4!

Today was a gorgeous day. But quite uneventful as the cafe was extremely slow since the day prior was the holiday of drinking.

The highlight up today was the arrival of my best friend, Dona Dog!!!!!!!!!

She is a Korean Jindo mix with the cutest floppy ears, that flop around when she walks or runs

Dona is from a shelter in South Korea, that was shutting down and if she had not been adopted then they would have put her down T^T…… she is so clever sometimes but most times she is like me- udibudi XD! she is funny! I will keep you updated everyday since she will be with me for 2 weeks ♡♡♡

now back to today’s main topic,

Wicked Cafe & Bakery’s Croque Kouign Amann.

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it is made entirely from scratch by our hands ~

it starts with one plain Kouign amann, that we slice in half. On one side we spread cheese and on the other we spread on home made bechamel sauce.

BEchamel Sauce also known as the king of all Sauces- is claimed by both the French and the Italians as their own creation. But most believe it originated in the renaissance era of Tuscany and then went to France in 1533 by the chefs of Catherina de Medici (wife of Henry II). The sauce is named after the Marquis de Béchamel (1630–1703), a man loyal to the king Louis XIV of France.

this sauce is most often used in all types of dishes. And its texture is smooth and creamy.

Anyways back to the croque KA. In the middle is a think slice of ham folded in half to fit neatly. To Garnish this sandwich, we us a sandwich pick in the center. To sever we warmed up for 30-40 seconds with chef-mikie.

This sandwich is one of my favorites for breakfast and I love having it with spicy mayo, since I just love putting spicy mayo on everything 😋!!!!

thanks for reading! Have a good one.

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