Wicked NEW Sandwich!
To keep up to date please check out this post my last post
So let’s get this show going because I have some news for you!!!!
Wicked has just launched the juicy, the delicious, the most mouth watering sandwich-all the way from Philadelphia!
After our victory in the Vancouver sandwich challenge, we are still hungry for more!!!!
For weeks we have been putting our blood sweat and tears into preparing the next new sandwich on our menu! And after lots of testing we have prepared and now launched our new sandwich at our Westpoint Grey location!!!
To get your interest. Let me tell you all about the philling stake and its history~
Early 1930s in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US, the Philly cheesesteak was born, by two Philadelphians Pat and Harry Olivieri.
And the story is that while the 2 men were working at there own hot dog stand, sporadically they decided to throw together a sandwich to eat, using Chopped beef and grilled onions. While eating this new sandwich a cab driver stopped to ask for one for himself. After the cab driver ate it, he expressed that they should just switch from selling hot dog to selling this new tasty sandwich instead! So they did just that and upgraded it with cheese and steak and then the rest is history.
So not hungry yet? Then let me tell you what makes this sandwich so wicked~
For this New menu I have interviewed one of our bakers for the inside scoop!
Here it is,
“I made this menu from my memory from Philadelphia. I have gone to the city after listening to the musical Hamilton! Philadelphia is where the founding fathers created the United States for the first time—it was the first capital of the US too, where they signed the Constitution. I had many of these sandwiches while staying there. Boston and New York puts ketchup and mayonnaise in this sandwich, but in Philadelphia, it’s just cheese meat and veggie. They even have Philly Steak burger at Burger King!”
-wicked cafe baker
Please come and try our new sandwich!!! I promise it will not disappoint!
More news on the way…….