My new project! my new mission!!!
Pokemon Bread is here Vancouver!!!
As you know from my previous posts I have been working on updating our display tags😝! It is coming along very well but~
Now We have more new menus coming!!!Our most recent addition is our Spicy Corn Cheese Bun 🔥
It is very delicious and I looooooove it!
With the new Buns ~ it’s got me think’n…LETS MAKE A SERIES OUT OF IT!!! More buns the merrier 😋
With the Triple Cheese Leek Bun, I chose the Pokemon Farfetch’d, because of the leek it is always depicted with lmao.
For our new Bun I was thinking what is hot and spicy like our Bun…….CHARMANDER! I CHOOSE YOU!!!!!
This is the photo. I chose it because it reminds me of myself when I have spicy food.
I am happy with the results and I can’t wait to keep adding more to our POKEMON BREAD SERIES!!!
please come visit! And try our new buns!!!!!!!
side note-
I am Wicked cafe’s pokemon!!! This is my secret nickname in the cafe I received it when I started working for Wicked when I was 17~